
What's with the Title?

"Quasi Adventures of an UglyKitty" is kind of a long and awkward title for a blog, I agree - especially when you type it into an address bar. But when you break it down it really is the perfect title. Let me explain:

1. I have a cat named Quasi. She's awesome and I'm sort of obsessed. I'm sure many of my former friends have unfriended me on Facebook because of her. That's OK by me. 

2. We don't really go on adventures. I mean, she's an indoor cat with no interest in adventures, and well my "adventures" are more what we'd call "semi-adventures" you know, "quasi-adventures." Get it? Huh? Huh? 

I'm pretty typical. I like cooking and crafting and I'm learning how to raise a family and sometimes things strike me as funny or worth sharing, but I wouldn't consider any of it an adventure. That's OK by me. 

3. "UglyKitty" is what we call Quasi. Yes, to her face. We're mean like that and are trying to break her down and ruin her self esteem. Or, if you're not crazy, we call her UglyKitty, because she is ugly. And adorable. And adorkable. And fab-u-lous! And that's OK by her.

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