
Saturday, September 21, 2013

I Made Something! - Rainbow Gumball Wreath

Instead of cleaning (or sleeping or packing or exercising), I decided to make something. It took a styrofoam wreath, a glue gun, and LOTS of gum balls.

LOTS of gumballs.
Probably about 6 pounds of gumballs to be exact.

But it was totally worth it. 
Isn't this adorable?

Want to make one?
All you'll need are a wreath, a glue gun, glue, patience, and did I mention gumballs?

I found a styrofoam wreath on clearance at Walmart. I liked this one because it was flat on the top, bottom, and sides which I thought would make gluing to gumballs easier.

I started by drawing lines on the wreath using a yardstick and pen. The lines are about 0.5 inches apart (because that's how big my gumballs were) and stretched across the whole wreath. To rephrase, I would lay the yardstick on the wreath, draw a line on one side, and continue it on the other side without moving the ruler.

I did this because I wanted to make sure that the rainbow pattern matched up. I didn't want to work my way around the wreath only to realize that I would have two rows of blue at the end.

This is better illustrated in the next picture. I started gluing red on one side and continued on the other, using the lines as guidance. I recommend starting on top and just gluing in a line.

See how they line up across the wreath?

And just keep gluing.

Eventually, you'll finish. It gets a little tricky around the curves on the top and bottom, just make sure to go straight across at some point otherwise the rainbow will curve and it won't line up - does that even make sense? I still need to spray paint a clear coat on it, but I just couldn't wait to show everyone!

It's a great way to brighten up a door (or maybe use as decoration for an upcoming birthday several months)

ILean is intrigued. 

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