
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Seriously Adorable DIY Felt Hair Bows

I'm a total sucker for cute little bows on babies, but I tend to like the simple, go-with everything type and was having difficulty finding something that I liked. So many of the bands out there were the wrong shades or had multiple colors that didn't match her outfits - which annoyed me more than it should have.

So I decided to make my own!
See that cute, little, lop-sided felt bow on that cute, little, round head?

How about this one?


Or this one?
They match perfectly and are small enough that she's not bothered wearing one. 
So, I made one in every color.
Because that's how I roll. 

Want to know how to make some for your self? It's actually really easy.

First, gather your supplies. You'll need:

- Felt (I just used felt sheets from Michaels)
- Glue gun and glue
- Elastic
- Kitty (optional)

So I downloaded the pdf template from How About Orange and printed three copies (one  scaled to 75% size, one at 50%, and one at 25%). So I could make three different sized bows. The bow in the photos are the 25% scale.

I cut the template out of cardstock so it would last longer.

And used those templates to cut pieces of felt.

This piece will be the bottom. So add a little glue.

Press the ends of the "loop" piece into the glue so that the center is on top.

Use a little more glue and press the center over where you just glued the ends.

Take the small rectangle piece and wrap it around the top of the bow.

A little glue on back will keep the ends together.


I cut another small rectangle (no real measuring, just a guess) and a piece of elastic that will comfortably fit around Doodle's head. For her, it was probably about 12 inches, but be sure to measure your own Doodle to get the measurement right. Remembering that you want the elastic snug, but not tight. These are tight enough so that the headband doesn't fall off, but loose enough so they don't "dent" her head.

Glue the ends of the elastic to the rectangle. Don't worry about the mess, it will be covered up.

Fold over the felt and glue it together.

I used some cuticle clippers to trim the extra glue when it dried. It works great!

Then, glue the side with the seam to the bottom of the bow.


You could also use other shapes and colors for the center. Here we have our Daddy's three favorite sports teams' colors.

Like, I said, I also made simple ones.

In every color to be precise.

Doodle seems to like them.

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